Your brakes are one of the many essential components that play a vital role in your vehicle. Whenever you need to slow down or come to a complete stop, your first instincts tell you to step on your brake pedals. For something so dependent on your safety, faulty brakes can lead to accidents and sometimes lost lives. The next time you step on the brake pedals, take note of how they feel. If they feel soft and spongy, then there may be air in your brake lines. If you catch this unusual feeling, it's time to take your car to the auto shop and have it checked by professionals.
Symptoms of Air in Brake Lines
- Sponge-like feeling of brake pedals
- Softer than usual brake pedals
- Brake pedals depressed too much than usual
Driving around with air-filled brake lines is very dangerous, which is why we recommend that you give Sacramento Specialty Automotive a visit. You might wonder how air gets into your brake lines.
Manufacturers engineer their modern vehicles and their brakes to be airtight. However, the air still manages to get in as brake pads need to move when worn down. The brake calipers extend in the process of braking. This causes a void in the hydraulic system as the hydraulic pistons also extend. Air is then moved into the system when they work hard to depress the brake pads. This chain of events is what brings about the soft and spongy effect on the brake pedals. The solution to this is bleeding the brakes.
To return your car's braking system to normal, you will need to remove excess air. The process is known as bleeding and is usually recommended to be done by professionals. Under the administration of a certified mechanic, they will remove the air in the brake lines altogether to enable smooth stops. If you require brake line repair, we invite you to bring your vehicle to Sacramento Specialty Automotive today!